Three Switch buttons Puzzle

There are three switch buttons outside a room.
Two of them are faulty and only one works to switch on the bulb in the room.
Room is closed from a the side and there is no way to see inside when the door is closed. 
How to know the correct switch by entering the room only once .

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  1. Switch ON each switch and have a time interval say 5 min between the switching .
    Then switch off all the switches and go inside the room .. The hotness of the bulb will tell us which switch is working.
    1st switch -- if the bulb is almost cold.
    2nd switch -- if the bulb is warm
    3rd switch -- if the bulb is HOT

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  3. Switch on B1 and B2 for 5min. Now Switch on B1 and B3 and go inside the room. Now the working switch is
    1. B1 If bulb is on and is hot
    2. B2 if bulb is off
    3. B3 if bulb is on and not hot

    1. That depend on a guess. Like if it is less hot then answer is B3 else B1.
      A bulb gets hot with in few seconds. Its quite difficult to measure how hot is bulb for those two conditions with naked hand.
      Their is more simpler way to find out the correct answer :)


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